Martha Nunez

Martha Nunez

I went to college in Torreón, Coah. México. I studied International Commerce. After a few years I realized that my love for children and teaching was very strong, so I did an alternative certification where I became a Certified Bilingual Teacher. I came to Crockett Elementary in 2008, and I have worked as a Bilingual PreK teacher since then. I like teaching PreK so much that I have taught PreK more than 15 years!

Phone: 979-209-4181

Click here to email me!

My Schedule



Breakfast/ Desayuno


Classroom meeting/ Second Step/ Music and Movement

Junta por mañana/ Second Step/ Música y Movimiento


Whole Group Literacy/ / Lectoescritura lección de todo el grupo


Literacy Small Groups/ Grupos Pequeños de Lectoescritura


Learning Centers/ Centros de Aprendizaje

9:05- 10:10

Read Aloud/ Lectura del Libro

10:10 - 10:25

Recess/ Recreo

10:25 - 10:55

Lunch/ Almuerzo

11:00 - 11:30

Rest Time

11:40 -12:40

Conference Time/ Tiempo para Conferencias

Read Aloud 2/ Lectura del Libro 2

12:40 - 12:55

Recess/ Recreo

12:55 - 1:25

Math Small Groups/ Grupos Pequeños de Matemáticas

1:25 - 2:15

Learning Centers/ Centros de Aprendizaje

2:15 - 2:50

Closing Whole Group/ Cierre de Lección de todo el grupo

2:50 - 2:55

Dismissal/ Salida

2:55 - 3:10

Si requiere tener una conferancia conmigo los días y horas para conferencias son los siguientes: lunes, miércoles y viernes de 11:40am a 12:40 pm

If you would like to have a conference with me, my Conference Time is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:40 - 12:40

My Credentials

Soy maestra Bilingue certificada EC-4.

I am a certified Bilingual EC-4 Teacher.